Saturday, February 9, 2019

Hot Growth Stocks To Own Right Now


Equities analysts predict that XPO Logistics Inc (NYSE:XPO) will announce sales of $4.37 billion for the current fiscal quarter, according to Zacks. Nine analysts have provided estimates for XPO Logistics’ earnings, with the lowest sales estimate coming in at $4.25 billion and the highest estimate coming in at $4.46 billion. XPO Logistics posted sales of $3.89 billion during the same quarter last year, which would indicate a positive year-over-year growth rate of 12.3%. The company is expected to announce its next quarterly earnings results after the market closes on Wednesday, October 31st.

According to Zacks, analysts expect that XPO Logistics will report full year sales of $17.50 billion for the current financial year, with estimates ranging from $17.33 billion to $17.83 billion. For the next financial year, analysts expect that the company will post sales of $18.83 billion, with estimates ranging from $17.96 billion to $19.74 billion. Zacks’ sales calculations are a mean average based on a survey of research analysts that cover XPO Logistics.

Hot Growth Stocks To Own Right Now: Nordstrom Inc.(JWN)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Motley Fool Staff]

    In this clip, host Chris Hill and Motley Fool contributor Ron Gross go through the most important numbers and trends from Nordstrom (NYSE:JWN), Macy's (NYSE:M), and JC Penney (NYSE:JCP), explain why the stocks went in the directions they did after reports came out, and take a peek at the long-term health of each mall-based retailer.

  • [By Adam Levine-Weinberg]

    Nordstrom (NYSE:JWN) returned to earnings growth last quarter, as the reduced corporate tax rate helped the upscale retailer post a double-digit increase in earnings per share. Investors still dumped Nordstrom stock in after-hours trading on Thursday, punishing the company for weak comparable-store sales growth.

  • [By Adam Levine-Weinberg]

    Nordstrom (NYSE:JWN) never expanded as much as its lower-price competitors, and since all of its stores are profitable, it hasn't felt the need to shrink dramatically. Nevertheless, it is closing stores here and there. Given that the Nordstrom store base is heavily skewed toward the best malls in North America, even a relatively small number of store closures and asset sales could provide a meaningful windfall for the company and its investors.

  • [By JJ Kinahan]

    This week brings a string of retail results with reports from Macy’s Inc. (NYSE: M) on Wednesday morning and Nordstrom, Inc. (NYSE: JWN) after market close on Thursday. Next week, big-box retailer Target Corporation (NYSE: TGT) and home improvement retailer Lowe’s Inc. (NYSE: LOW) both report before market open on Wednesday, May 23. For a look at what else is going on across markets, check out today’s market update if you have time.

  • [By Stephan Byrd]

    Nordstrom (NYSE:JWN) was downgraded by analysts at Zacks Investment Research from a buy rating to a hold rating. According to Zacks, “Nordstrom outperformed the industry in the last six months driven by the smooth execution of customer strategy and disciplined inventory management. The company has an impressive surprise history with earnings beat delivered in seven of the last eight quarters and topping sales estimates in three of the trailing four quarters. Results in first-quarter fiscal 2018 gained from the shift in Nordstrom’s loyalty event to the quarter compared with the second quarter in the prior year. Management raised the low-end of its EBIT and earnings views for fiscal 2018. Also, its focus on store expansion and strengthening capabilities through further investments, particularly in digital growth, remains noteworthy. However, investments toward occupancy, technology, supply chain and marketing are weighing on its margin performance for the last few quarters. Higher expenses have been resulting in higher SG&A expense, which is hurting profitability.”

Hot Growth Stocks To Own Right Now: MEDIFAST INC(MED)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Lisa Levin]

    Medifast, Inc. (NYSE: MED) shares were also up, gaining 20 percent to $119 after the company reported strong Q1 results and raised its FY18 guidance.

  • [By Sean Williams]

    Meanwhile, Medifast's (NYSE:MED) share price has tripled since the beginning of March. Medifast's second-quarter operating results showcased a 55% increase in sales and an 84% improvement in year-over-year adjusted earnings per share. A substantial increase in Optavia-branded products sold, along with a big jump in active earning coaches, drove results. The company also substantially lifted its full-year sales and profit guidance (close to 20% at the midpoint for both measures). 

  • [By Joseph Griffin]

    MediBloc (CURRENCY:MED) traded 6.8% lower against the dollar during the 1-day period ending at 15:00 PM Eastern on May 27th. MediBloc has a total market cap of $73.40 million and $743,880.00 worth of MediBloc was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours. One MediBloc token can currently be purchased for approximately $0.0247 or 0.00000339 BTC on major cryptocurrency exchanges including Bibox, and Coinrail. During the last seven days, MediBloc has traded 8.3% higher against the dollar.

  • [By Logan Wallace]

    MediBloc [QRC20] (MED) is a proof-of-work (PoW) token that uses the HybridScryptHash256 hashing algorithm. It was first traded on January 3rd, 2014. MediBloc [QRC20]’s total supply is 4,097,545,844 tokens and its circulating supply is 2,966,384,100 tokens. MediBloc [QRC20]’s official website is MediBloc [QRC20]’s official Twitter account is @MEDDevTeam. The official message board for MediBloc [QRC20] is The Reddit community for MediBloc [QRC20] is /r/MediBloc and the currency’s Github account can be viewed here.

  • [By Max Byerly]

    MediBloc (CURRENCY:MED) traded 0.2% lower against the U.S. dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 16:00 PM Eastern on June 7th. MediBloc has a total market cap of $37.92 million and $586,074.00 worth of MediBloc was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours. Over the last week, MediBloc has traded down 36% against the U.S. dollar. One MediBloc token can now be purchased for $0.0128 or 0.00000166 BTC on major exchanges including Coinrail, Bibox and

Hot Growth Stocks To Own Right Now: Intuitive Surgical Inc.(ISRG)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Jason Hall, Sean Williams, and Jordan Wathen]

    We asked three investors who regularly contribute to The Motley Fool to help us identify some of the "wonderful" companies, and they made strong cases for Mastercard Inc. (NYSE:MA), Intuitive Surgical, Inc. (NASDAQ:ISRG), and Pattern Energy Group Inc. (NASDAQ:PEGI). These are three very different companies, but they share some important traits that make them worth your consideration as "ultra-long-term" investments: Big long-term trends driving their business prospects for many years of growth, and excellent management with strong track records of success.

  • [By Stephan Byrd]

    Intuitive Surgical (NASDAQ:ISRG) announced its quarterly earnings results on Wednesday. The medical equipment provider reported $2.76 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $2.48 by $0.28, Bloomberg Earnings reports. The company had revenue of $909.30 million during the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $877.43 million. Intuitive Surgical had a return on equity of 20.72% and a net margin of 23.25%. Intuitive Surgical’s quarterly revenue was up 19.8% on a year-over-year basis. During the same period last year, the business earned $5.95 earnings per share.

  • [By Daniel Sparks]

    As earnings season begins to kick into gear, next week features stocks of all shapes and sizes. But two stocks I'll be watching are growth stocks Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) and Intuitive Surgical (NASDAQ:ISRG). Both companies are benefiting from double-digit growth in revenue and earnings per share. When these companies report their second-quarter results next week, investors will be watching to see if they can keep executing well on the growth opportunities before them.

Hot Growth Stocks To Own Right Now: TrueBlue Inc.(TBI)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Max Byerly]

    Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd. lifted its holdings in Trueblue Inc (NYSE:TBI) by 18.2% in the 2nd quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The institutional investor owned 30,550 shares of the business services provider’s stock after purchasing an additional 4,700 shares during the period. Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.’s holdings in Trueblue were worth $823,000 as of its most recent filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission.

  • [By Motley Fool Transcribers]

    TrueBlue Inc  (NYSE:TBI)Q4 2018 Earnings Conference CallFeb. 07, 2019, 5:00 p.m. ET

    Contents: Prepared Remarks Questions and Answers Call Participants Prepared Remarks:


  • [By Logan Wallace]

    Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on Trueblue (TBI)

    For more information about research offerings from Zacks Investment Research, visit

  • [By Stephan Byrd]

    American Century Companies Inc. grew its holdings in shares of Trueblue Inc (NYSE:TBI) by 24.4% in the 1st quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the SEC. The fund owned 95,307 shares of the business services provider’s stock after purchasing an additional 18,680 shares during the period. American Century Companies Inc. owned approximately 0.23% of Trueblue worth $2,468,000 as of its most recent SEC filing.

Hot Growth Stocks To Own Right Now: Buffalo Wild Wings Inc.(BWLD)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Peter Graham]

    A long term performance chart shows Dave & Busters Entertainment tripling in value before falling back while small cap upscale gentlemen's clubs and restaurant owner RCI Hospitality Holdings, Inc (NASDAQ: RICK) began taking off in 2016 and small cap Buffalo Wild Wings (NASDAQ: BWLD) is being acquired by Arby's Restaurant Group:

  • [By Steve Symington]

    That's not to say it was a quiet day for every stock on the market. With earnings season ramping up, brewing giant Anheuser-Busch InBev (NYSE:BUD) and restaurant chain Buffalo Wild Wings (NASDAQ:BWLD) served as an exercise in contrast as investors reacted to their respective quarterly reports.

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