Saturday, September 29, 2012

Dividend Portfolio Playoffs: Which Stocks Are Leading

Dividend stock selections continue to be of interest in the light of continuing low interest rates limiting the returns from bonds. We have seen that not all high dividend stocks are good value however, and we are trawling through the many selections (over 60) we have reviewed to drill down to the best of the best and note the most commonly used. We have reviewed 15 selections so far and have rejected 11.

In this selection we pick up five equity selections. We list out the stocks in each of the selections and we note that TOT and PEP are repeated.

Next 5 Dividend Stocks Rewarding ShareholdersCSX (CSX)Harley-Davidson (HOG)Legg Mason (LM)Marriott International (MAR)Pepsico (PEP)
5 Dividend Stocks For A Shaky EconomyJohnson & Johnson (JNJ)Kimberly-Clark (KMB)Sysco (SYY) AT&T (T)
5 Great Dividend Stocks Chosen By The ExpertsGlaxoSmithKline (GSK)Eli Lilly (LLY)Total SA (TOT)Vodafone (VOD)Nestle (NSRGY)
5 High-Yield Stocks You May Be IgnoringTelefonica (TEF)

France Telecom (FTE)

Nokia (NOK) Veolia (VE)
5 'Necessity' Stocks That Could Protect Your Portfolio From DisasterDuke Energy (DUK)American Water Works (AWK)Chevron (CVX)Coca-Cola (KO)Wal-Mart (WMT)

There is a full list of the stocks in each of these portfolios at the end of this article.

We are keeping a tally of the most popular selections and the leader board is:

Intel (INTC)3
Johnson & Johnson3
Annaly Capital (NLY)3
Procter & Gamble (PG)3
Waste Management (WM)3

Note that we have deleted any duplicate mentions or the list will get unmanageably long -- especially as we continue the review.

Portfolio Performance Comparison

Portfolio/Fund NameYTD
1Yr AR1Yr Sharpe3Yr AR3Yr Sharpe5Yr AR5Yr Sharpe
Fools 5 Great Dividend Stocks Chosen By The Experts5%6%29%13%56%4%12%
5 dividend stocks for a shaky economy4%6%27%8%52%2%6%
5 Necessity Stocks That Could Protect Your Portfolio From Disaster-0%18%109%17%114%
Next 5 Dividend Stocks Rewarding Shareholders-7%-1%-18%17%56%-0%-8%
5 High-Yield Stocks You May Be Ignoring-23%-17%-77%-6%-24%-8%-31%

On a standalone basis, the first two portfolios look fair, but when we compare them with the best ones we have found so far, none of them threaten to replace them. We note that the High Yield Stocks that are being ignored, may be ignored for a good reason. They are European stocks and still being impacted by eurozone turbulence. It may be worthwhile revisiting that selection when (if?) that gets resolved.

The four which are our current measuring stick are:

Portfolio/Fund Name1Yr AR1Yr Sharpe3Yr AR3Yr Sharpe5Yr AR5Yr Sharpe
Fools 5 Dividend Payers to Save your Portfolio26%172%21%137%11%55%
13 High Yielding Stocks1%6%19%89%6%22%
3 Bargain Dividends Investors Should Buy Today27%150%24%135%
4 Special Dividend Plays16%59%26%98%

One Year Chart Three Year Chart Five Year Chart

When I look at the five year charts, I can see that the necessity stocks look to be the best of the bunch and may be worth a look later on as we get more history and the economy recovers somewhat. We will keep digging and reviewing and see what the next set of dividend equity selections bring us. In the long run, the best will come to the top.

AWKAmerican Water Works
CSXCSX Corporation
DUKDuke Energy
FTEFrance Telecom
JNJJohnson & Johnson
KOCoca Cola
LLYEli Lilly
LMLegg Mason
MARMarriot International
NLYAnnaly Capital
PEPPepsi Cola
PGProcter and Gamble
SYYSysco Corporation

Disclosure: I am long INTC, MCD, CVX.

Disclaimer: MyPlanIQ does not have any business relationship with the company or companies mentioned in this article. It does not set up their retirement plans. The performance data of portfolios mentioned above are obtained through historical simulation and are hypothetical.

1 comment:

  1. High-dividend stock investing is a kind of security selection, which is just a fancy term for stock picking.

    Best high yield dividend france
