Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Jason Gay: Super Bowl XLVIII: Unleash The Sizzle

We are a little less than a year out from Super Bowl XLVIII in New York/New Jersey and there's been a lot of chatter about the elements and what a big old nasty blizzard could mean for the game. Sports Business Journal reported the other day that the NFL was considering all of its foul-weather options, including the possibility of playing a day early (Super Bowl Saturday!) or pushing it forward into the week. All of that sounds quite panicky. The whole point of playing a Super Bowl in a place where foul weather could happen is that foul weather could happen. You ever hear people in Green Bay talking about moving a game to Saturday? No. Snow at a Super Bowl should be the fantasy. I appreciate that XLVIII is an enormous logistical event (like, you have to make sure power works more than half of the game!) and that we all need to be prepared. But do not deny the appeal of the obvious. Should a snowstorm whirl its way into the metro area around 6 p.m. on Feb. 2, 2014, you're going to be talking about that New York/New Jersey Super Bowl forever.

Associated Press

Bruce Springsteen in 1984.

But if we're on the subject of preparedness, it's not too early to get started on the halftime entertainment. The New York Post and the Star-Ledger reported that XLVIII officials are also worried how the weather could hurt a halftime show. Hmm. I doubt that's going to diminish the pressure upon a NYNJ Super Bowl to unleash the sizzle.

That's right: I said "unleash the sizzle," like you are holding a dove and a top hat, and I'm sitting behind a desk with a cigar in the Brill Building. This city is this city and it will obviously try to top everybody's else's prior halftime act. It can't be too local�the Times Square Naked Cowboy is no go, for example. Let's consider some legitimate possibilities. Odds are strictly a goof here; do NOT wager more than two or three mortgage payments.

Bruce Springsteen (12-1): Yes, obviously, of course, I'm with you 100%: The Boss is the no-brainer, the natural, easiest crowd-pleaser. If you could book it you would book it. Chris Christie would drive him to midfield. But Springsteen did a Super Bowl not long ago�in Tampa, in 2009�and that was after a long time of being asked. Though he did a capable job, he seemed a little freaked out by the sheer absurdity of the Super Bowl experience. Bruce does not need the Super Bowl. He can sell out nine nights in the Meadowlands reading the menu from Applebee's.

Bon Jovi (5-1): Have written this before but I believe there's something perfect about a Bon Jovi halftime show at this Super Bowl; in many respects I like it better than Bruce, just for the sheer Jersey Joviosity of it, and many locals seem to agree. (An online poll in the Record asking readers their halftime pick was running 63% for Bon Jovi to 8% for Springsteen.) Jon Bon Jovi (a mega football fan) would be completely into it; he's probably practiced the entire halftime show in his bathroom mirror.

Jay-Z (2-1): Shawn Carter is 43, the emperor of modern hip-hop, but he'd still be seen as a fresher choice than Springsteen or Bon Jovi.

The Super Bowl halftime has had hip-hop artists but never a solo hip-hop headliner, so there's history to be made there, and Carter has lots of experience playing major events�Glastonbury, etc. You will get the signature moment with Carter's anthem "Empire State of Mind." Alicia Keys comes free. Plus there's Mrs. Carter, who knows a thing or two about the halftime show. Just have a feeling it comes together for Jay-Z; a year out, he's probably the favorite.

Billy Joel (20-1): Joel is an excellent performer; he does have the hits; your Mom still has three of his CDs on heavy circulation in her Camry; everybody loves "Scenes From An Italian Restaurant." Give him an outside shot. Though we'd have to get it in writing that he won't play "We Didn't Start the Fire."

Lady Gaga (12-1): A New Yorker! Modern edgysuperstar! A sports fan!

But�on the DL currently with an injured hip. Just had to cancel the remainder of her tour. Might not be ready for a halftime show. But should be ready to sign long-term deal with Yankees.

Lou Reed (200-1): I don't think this is a realistic possibility but would be worth it just for the crabby news conference.

Talking Heads (800-1): If Roger Goodell reunited the Talking Heads all would be forgiven forever. David Byrne could ride his bike through the Lincoln Tunnel.

Wu-Tang Clan (70-1): Legends. Plus, if you put all of their ages together they are as old as the Who.

Justin Timberlake (5-1): Part of me feels that the NYNJ Super Bowl just bags any attempt to regionalize and goes for the biggest star it can find. Timberlake is close. Of course he was involved in the Janet Jackson fiasco but nobody cares about that anymore except for seven or eight people who eat cold oatmeal for lunch and yell at trees.

Beyonc� (1,000-1): You ate at Chipotle three times this week. You can handle two Beyonc� Super Bowls in a row.

I think the pick comes from the above list. Maybe the Eagles? There, I said it. Maybe the Eagles. Maybe it's some kind of all-star smush-together; Bon Jovi and Springsteen have performed together; Jay-Z and Springsteen campaigned together during President Obama's re-election. What about Billy Joel and Gaga? OK probably not Billy Joel and Gaga.

They will work it out. It will probably be cold and it will probably be fine. Except for this: It's too bad it couldn't have been the Ramones. The Ramones Super Bowl halftime show. That would have been amazing.

Write to Jason Gay at Jason.Gay@wsj.com

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