Thursday, January 3, 2013

SeaWorld Gets Ready for Its IPO

They're ba-a-ack! Three years after buying Busch Gardens and SeaWorld from�Anheuser-Busch Inbev (NYSE: BUD  ) , The Blackstone Group (NYSE: BX  ) confirmed Thursday that it's bringing the theme parks back to the public markets in the form of a new IPO.

With a probable $1.4 billion in current-year sales, a once-again-public SeaWorld -- tentatively tickered "SEAS" -- could conceivably command a valuation as high as $3 billion. But is it worth it? Is it as good a bargain as, say, rival park operators Disney (NYSE: DIS  ) or Cedar Fair (NYSE: FUN  ) ? And could there be an even better way to play this IPO, than by -- you know -- buying it?

Listen in, as Fool contributor Rich Smith lays out the angles...

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