Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Top Stocks For 3/4/2012-5

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My Picks for Thursday October 8, 2009, are:

WYN, Wyndham Worldwide Corporation

WYN provides various hospitality products and services to individual consumers and business customers. WYN’s Lodging segment franchises hotels in the upscale, middle, and economy segments of the lodging industry, as well as provides property management services to owners of these hotels.

Goldman Sachs’s Analyst Steven Kent raised his rating on WYN to “Buy” from “Neutral” and increased his share price target to $26 from $18.

WYN has completed two term securitization transactions involving the issuance of $350 million of investment-grade asset-backed notes

CBAI, Cord Blood America Inc., CBAI.OB

CBAI is engaged in the business of collecting, testing, processing and preserving umbilical cord blood, thereby allowing families to preserve cord blood at the birth of a child for potential use in future stem cell therapy.

CBAI�s principle: The families who seek stem cell preservation should never have to work to achieve this.

CBAI is opening its new Corporate headquarters and cryogenic research and storage laboratory in Las Vegas, as planned, the first week of October.

CBAI is looking to become one of the largest Cryogenic Storage Companies in the World, a giant in the cryogenic storage sector.

CBAI has reduced its debt by a total of $3.7 million in the third quarter of 2009. Total debt eliminated in 2009 is $8.7 million.

CBAI considers its debt reduction is one of the pillars needed for its ongoing and future success.


VSPC is an alternative energy company providing products and technology for renewable and clean energy that reduce or eliminate dependence on fossil and high-risk-pollutant energy sources.

VSPC is growing Giant King Grass as a renewable, high yield biomass energy crop.

VSPC has plans to produce pellets made from Giant King Grass (wich absorb carbon dioxide during their growth) as an alternative to coal to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants across the U.S. and Europe.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, pellets made from Giant King Grass and other biomass can potentially replace up to 20% of the coal in an existing coal-fired power plant.

In a single 2,000-megawatt coal-fired power plant, replacing 20% of the coal with Giant King Grass pellets would require approximately 2.3 million tons of pellets per year and yield revenue of approximately $230 million at today�s prices for biomass pellets.

Add WYN, CBAI and VSPC to your Watch List!, do your homework, and like always BE READY for the ACTION!

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