Saturday, June 23, 2012

Describing Fields Covered In Legal Education Programs

Legal education is a very popular course of studies that many students decide to specialize in. This is mainly due to the fact that it is a very interesting field, with wide-ranging subjects, and several career opportunities. Courses range from undergraduate degrees to masters and doctorates.

Every university will have its specific programmed of studies for each course. This will be greatly affected by the legal system of the country in question. However the study units are generally very similar to each other. The main fields include criminal law, family law, international law and commercial law.

The entry requirements tend to be quite restrictive in most universities. During the course, students will be required to sit for several exams, write assignments and dissertations, and sometimes even carry out a period of practical on-the-job sessions prior to being awarded their degree. The course extends over a period of a minimum of three years in most countries. Subsequent masters and doctorate programs can then be followed.

Anthropology and philosophy are included in these courses generally. The constitution of the country in relation to other countries is also given a lot of weighting. The legal system of the country will also be studied in detail. This includes careful knowledge of the roles and functions of the parliament, president, ombudsman as well as other important bodies.

Political implications and historical events are also given importance. Governing policies and electoral systems are also studied. Moreover many graduates will be working in business organizations as legal advisers and as a result these courses will include commercial laws and industrial legislation.

Criminal law is another important area that is given a lot of importance in any law course. Court cases are studied so as to shed a more practical insight to the acts and laws that are studied. Human rights and family laws are also of essence. So are property laws relating to ownership, lets, and hiring.

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